Masjid Al-Baqi
Masjid Al-Baqi’s property is owned and managed by Muslims On Long Island, Inc., a federally tax-exempt religious organization.
This is in Long Island, in the County of Nassau within easy access from the surrounding towns, highways and intersections.
The Masjid’s day to day affairs and decision making is managed under the guidance of a Shura doctrine. The Shura members are the local residents and are involved in everyday administration and management of the Masjid. The Shura members and their families offer regular prayers at the Masjid and are actively involved in the events and programs conducted at the Masjid.
For the Muslim Community
Our History
Until the early part of 1990 the majority of the Muslim community of Long Island drove between 30 to 40 minutes to reach a Masjid. Alhamdulillah, Masjid Al-Baqi was established 22 years ago as a great blessing of Allah SWT for the Ummah to conveniently serve the Muslim residents of Bethpage, Plainview, Hicksville, Farmingdale, Massapequa, Levittown, Huntington, Woodbury, Amityville and Plainedge. Before Al-Baqi came into existence, these residents had to drive either to ICLI in Westbury or Masjid Suleman in Deer Park, while majority was not connected to any Masjid. Due to the distance involved, many of the Muslims were only able to attend a Masjid to perform either Friday or Eid prayers with the congregation.
The existing property of the Masjid Al-Baqi was an Italian restaurant. The owner had retired and was seeking to rent or sell the property. He expected a restaurant business owner to purchase the property and asked for $550,000 in total. When he was approached through the listing agent he did not pay attention to us as a prospective buyer mainly due to our lack of financial standing as an organization. Subhan’Allah, much before the Masjid bank account was opened we were somehow able to present him an offer of $460,000 to purchase the property with $60,000 down and rest to be paid without interest in 60 monthly installments with a couple of balloon payments in between. In response to this offer in a telephone conversation he laughed and commented “this is America, no deal is made without interest and I am not looking to finance”. However, Allah SWT amazingly changed his heart and mind within a few days and he agreed to sell the property to Muslims On Long Island on our terms, where Masjid Al-Baqi is situated now for years. Among us there were national pharmacy chains interested in buying the property.
The blessings of Allah SWT did not stop here! While we were making efforts to collect donations and accumulate funds for down payment, we asked the owner to allow us to occupy the property and we offered him a monthly rent which was to apply towards the purchase price, which he agreed with significant hesitation. Alhamdulillah Masjid Al-Baqi was started on the 1st day of the Ramadan in the year 1999 during winter, although we were without the electric and heat. There were NO funds available towards the $60,000 down payment which was needed within the next 90 days. The whole process moved so blissfully and rapidly that the organization (MOLI) did not even have enough time to open a bank account of Masjid Al-Baqi until later in the process. Some brothers managed to arrange a gas generator which helped in lighting and operating a few heaters for traweeh prayers. Everyone involved with this project started spreading the word of Masjid Al-Baqi’s coming into surface and sought donations and other financial and non-financial assistance. A sister heard of ongoing prayers (specifically the Fajr, Isha and Taraweeh) being held without light and heat at the newly established Masjid and donated enough funds for the Masjid to obtain electric and gas connections. May Allah SWT reward her and her generations to come for such a generous and kind act (Ameen).
Alhamdulillah, within the allowed timeline, the funds for the down payment were collected and by the grace of Allah SWT, the balance of the purchase price was paid off two years earlier than the agreed date. Since the start, the Masjid has been self-sufficient and its expenses are paid by the donations collected.
Alhumdulillah, with the ongoing blessing and mercy of Allah SWT, we were able to purchase the next door property – 300 Central Avenue. The property size before acquisition was approximately 2/3 of an acre, however in order to legalize the property as a place of worship, a one acre lot was required at minimum. Since than Masjid Al-Baqi has been functional with all the activities and gradually expanding to include additional programs, expect for a few months post September 11, 2001 for some unavoidable circumstance. Establishing a place of worship from the starch in the state of New York and its legalizing process requires a variance hearing in court because of the smaller than the required lot size. History witnesses that the variance hearings generally results in favor of the surrounding residents. In Masjid Al-Baqi’s case, some of the residents may object or even challenge the smaller lot size. Therefore, to secure the optimum chances of success in legalizing the Masjid, it was an absolute necessity to acquire any of the adjacent properties to fulfill the one acre lot size requirement and get exempted from the need of a variance hearing in court.
The next door corner property, formerly an oriental restaurant, became available for sale and by the grace of Allah SWT the seller agreed to sell it to Masjid Al-Baqi on the terms offered to him.