Invest in
Your Akhirah!
We request you all to please continue to support Masjid Al-Baqi services and its activities. InshaAllah with your generous contributions we will be able to pay off building maintenance and expenses.
“Those who (in charity) spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. “ (2:274)
Masjid Al-Baqi relies on your continuous support for maintenance, operations, and the organization of various events. We consistently offer diverse programs, including Maktab & Saturday school, two Taraweeh Jamats, daily Iftar, and talks by our scholars after Fajr and Taraweeh. Your assistance is crucial in sustaining our staff, particularly during this blessed month of Ramadan.
Moreover, we kindly request your support for the purchase of Broadway building, which presents a significant opportunity for our community. This new property will not only allow us to expand our facilities but also provide space for additional programs and services, such as daycare and a senior center.
Your support for the purchase of the Broadway building is essential in securing this property and further enhancing our services. Your contributions play a vital role in our mission to serve the community effectively.
Quick Donate

(Amount used towards Masjid Maintenance and Daily Operations)
(Amount given to Individuals/Families who are not necessarily Zakat eligible)
If you want to donate Fitra for 2 Persons or more,