
Explanation For Fidyah Fidyah Explanation for fidyah (for those unable to fast)   For a Shaykh-e-Fani, i.e. someone who is very old and terminally ill, or anyone else who is unable to fast due to a terminal illness, and there is no hope of them recovering to the extent that they would be able to …

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Islamic Article Perfect Days for Perfect Ibaadah Alhamdulillah……the blessed days are here one more time! The glorious days when rewards are multiplied many times, and sins are forgiven much more…the days in which Allaah gives us yet another chance to worship Him, to ask for forgiveness and correct our faults and make up for our …

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Islamic Article The Month of Muharram and ‘Ashura The Month of Muharram   Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar, is one of the four sacred months mentioned in the Glorious Qur’ān:   Lo! The number of the months with Allāh is twelve months by Allāh’s Ordinance in the day that He created the …

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Islamic Article Zulhijjah: Eidul-Adha, Hajj, Sacrifice, etc By Mufti Taqi Usmani – First Ten Days– The 9th day of Zulhijjah– The Fast of Youmul ‘Arafah– Takbir-ut-tashriq– On the Eid day– How to Perform Eid Prayers (Hanafi School)– Khutbah: The Address of Eidul-Adha– Sacrifice or Qurbani: Philosophy and Rules– The Time of Qurbani– Who is Required to Perform Qurbani?– No Alternate for Qurbani– The Animals of Qurbani– Rules about Defective Animals– The Sunnah Method of Qurbani– Distribution of the Meat– Hajj Zulhijjah is the last month …

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