Weekday Maktab Registration

After School Program

Maktab Program

Maktab program is an intensive effort to nurture the students with greatness of ALLAH Ta'ala and instill Good Character and moral encompassing a practical life of a Muslim as shown by our beloved Nabi (SAW).

Masjid Al Baqi is offering daily evening Maktab for children from the ages of 5-18 from 5pm-7pm Monday-Friday which is running under the supervision of a team of 8 teachers most of whom are qualified Ulamaa and Huffaz.


Masjid Al-Baqi Maktab Registration

Masjid Al-Baqi Maktab Registration


Please fill the details below to add your child(ren) to our waiting list. Please add the information for Father, Mother and Emergency contact. Maktab Fees has been subsidized to $95 / Month per child. Actual cost to Masjid Al-Baqi is $115/child per month. If you are interested in paying the full amount, you can select the option on the form. Registration Fees is $50 per child and will cover the cost of books and supplies. 

* denotes required field
Autofill: Father Mother Brother Sister
If you already have an account and a password, you can skip this and leave it blank. Otherwise you should set your password now to login to the parent portal now.


 Student #1:
Weekday Evenings Maktab program
Add medical info/notes
Prior Islamic Education
Would you like to pay the actual cost of $115 per month?


You are the primary contact. You can add more contacts below.
Additional Contact #1
 Contact Name:
 Parent Portal Password:
 Alt. Mob.:

Registration Form